West finds that East has 2-2-4-5 then stops to consider 3NT.
A likely minimum is ♠xx ♥xx ♦Axxx ♣KQxxx, placing honours in long suits.
If so, 3NT will fail while 5m is good. Therefore a strength-ask is normal, rather than 3NT. (If West bids 3NT, East resurrects with 4♥, showing 11 SPs)
4♠ showed 11 SPs. “Base +4 is a raise”
5♣ showed 0/2 in clubs.
6♦ showed an honour in the other suits plus a third club honour
(With ♠Kx ♥Qx ♦Axxx ♣AKxxx, East would bid 6♣)
The North-South hands were generated randomly, through laziness.
7NT is very good. If diamonds don’t break, place the ♠K in the other hand then the double-squeeze is easy. (Plus East may have had a red jack)