11-15 balanced

Strong club systems are generally light opening but that’s maybe not such a good idea with relay methods.

Our 1H opening is 11-15 with 4+H, denies 4 spades. The wide range creates issues at both ends.
Responder needs 11+ to relay. This can land us in 2NT on a 22-count. We live with that, there is a case for passing some of the flat 11-counts that people seem to open these days. A possible solution is to switch to 11-14 openings with 15+ 1C.

Note that Precision handles this well because they have 1D – 1H – 1NT as 11-13, while 14-16 opens 1NT. Neat, though no so good when opener is unbalanced:
x, Axxx, KQxxx, AQx is a bit awkward after 1D – 1S – ?

Another problem is missing 3NT with 15+10, routine for the strong notrumpers. Here we get opener to raise a 6-10 1NT on a 15-count, though only vul at IMPs.

Take this awkward Scamp auction:

1H – (2D) – X – no

Responder might have a 3-card limit raise to double here. Many hands with 5 spades would double, such as

Axxxx xx xx Kxxx

Not 2S nfb with that suit. So double. What should opener do?
Bid features up the line? Maybe 2H with 2-5, 2S with 3-4. But what with 3-5?
Suggest 2S, though not clear.
What of balanced hands with a stopper, say 2-4-3-4. Is it 2NT 11-13, 3NT 14-15?