Swap sort

Consider this scamp auction:

1 – (no) – 1♠ – (2)

1H = 4+, denies 4S, 11-15. 1S =11+ relay.
After the 2C overcall, we are still in relay, all square. So:

Pass = diamonds, unbalanced
X = balanced
2D = H >= C
2H = C > H

That’s a bit silly. Obviously opener does not want to bid 2H with 5+ cards in the overcaller’s suit. Better is to swap the minors in this auction.So

Pass = clubs
X = balanced
2D = H >= D
2H = D > H

That gives us a chance to defend 2Cx. After

1H – (no) – 1S – (2C)
no – (no) – X

Double is still relay – rather than takeout – so opener needs to think twice before passing. On the other hand, if the asker can’t stomach a pass, better to bid 3C or make a forcing jump.

Note that
1D – (no) – 1S – (2C)

is similar. These are the only two auctions where swap-sort makes sense. Maybe not worth the memory strain.