Endpoints for balanced positives


3C24-4-3-2, 4-2-3-4
3D44-3-3-3, 4-3-2-4 (5), 4-2-4-3, 2-4-3-4
3H*53-4-3-3 (5/6), 4-3-2-4 (6), 4-3-4-2 (5/6), 3-4-2-4 (5/6), 2-4-4-3
3S*53-4-3-3 (7), 4-3-2-4 (7), 4-3-4-2 (7), 3-4-2-4 (7), 3-4-4-2 (5/6)
3NT*53-4-3-3 (8), 4-3-2-4 (8), 4-3-4-2 (8), 3-4-2-4 (8), 3-4-4-2 (7/8)

So what do we find? The bad shape is 2-4-4-3 which bids 3H without zooming. To save a bit, opener can bid Step+1 over 3C (H & D) to get SPs. That risks hearing 4C on 7 SPs. Finding full shape first is one step higher.